
sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2021

After the Love has gone: Video + Letra + Comentarios


For a while to Love was all we could do,
We were young and  we knew,
And our eyes were alive,
Deep inside, we knew our Love was true.
For a while we paid no mind to the past,
we knew love would last
Every night something right
would invite us to begin the dance.
Something happened was sad
something happened along the way
and yesterday was all we had.
Oh, after the love has gone.
How could you lead me on
and not let me stay around.
Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone,
what used to be right is wrong,
can love that`s lost be found.

For a while to love each other with all,
we  would ever need,
love was strong for so long,
Never knew that what was wrong, oh baby.
Wasn`t right.
We tried to find what we had,
till sadness wall all we shared.
We were scared this affair,
would lead our love into
something happened along the way
yesterday was all we had.
Something happened along the way,
what used to be happy is sad.
Something happened along the way,
and yesterday was all we had.
And oh, after the love has gone,
How could you lead me on,
and not let me stay around.

Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone,
what used to be right is wrong,
Can love that`s lost be found.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone.
What used to be right is wrong,
can love that`s lost be found.

Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone,
what used to be right is wrong,
can love that`s lost be found.

Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone,
what used to be right is wrong,
can love that`s lost be found.

Oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh.

After the love has gone,
what use to be right is wrong,
can love that`s lost be found.
Oh, oh, oh, after the love has gone,
what used to be right is wrong,
can love that`s lost be found. 

poemas y versos

Una   de  las  más  recordadas,  de  las
mas celebradas,  por  su música y por
su  letra,   que   trae   muchos  buenos
recuerdos   felices  a los  que  vivimos
esos  tiempos,  cuando  la  música  era
de  lo  mejor,  según  la  opinión  de la
mayoría  de  las  personas,  que  así lo
comentan  y lo comparten en Youtube
como   en  las  demás  redes  sociales.

Leyenda Musical

Una  de las historias  y recuerdos más
comentados, es el relato de una señora
que recuerda  cuando  tenía 19 años de
edad y estaba embarazada de su única
hija,  y el padre  de la niña hacía rato 
que se había ido y perdido de su vida.
Pero  mientras    estuvo   embarazada 
siempre  escuchaba  está  cancion, y se
colocaba en el vientre los audífonos de
sonido.   25 años más tarde un día que
entro en  una  tienda  con su hija,  está
era la canción que se escuchaba como
fondo  musical.   La hija  ya  mayor al
escucharla,   la  empieza  a  cantar  de
memoria,  y  le  pregunta  a  la  madre,
¿ Como  puedo  conocer  esa   canción,
  si está es la primera vez que la escucho?

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